why do i need a website

By: Melchor Tatlonghari

Customers Expect You to Have a Website

Tech-savvy consumers expect businesses to have a website to find more information. Your website can help you generate business, increase brand awareness, promote goodwill with customers and target audiences, and deliver strong marketing messages 24/7.

Having a website is not just about having an online presence - it's expected. If you don't have a website, customers may think you're too small-time or not tech-savvy enough to keep up with the times. They might even question whether you're legitimate.


Websites Build Trust and Credibility

A professional website showcases your experience, expertise, credentials, and commitment to quality, making you appear far more credible and trustworthy compared to competitors without an established online presence.

Over 80% of shoppers reference a business's website when evaluating its reliability. Websites allow you to build trust by including testimonials, case studies, and customer reviews

Websites Enable Digital Marketing

Your website acts as the central hub for all your digital marketing efforts. From social media marketing and email campaigns to search engine optimization (SEO), a website allows you to capture leads, nurture relationships, and convert visitors into paying customers.

Without a website, you're missing out on the power of digital marketing to attract new customers. 93% of online experiences start with a search engine, so having a website is crucial to help searchers find your business.